Depression affects people of all genders and ages, and presents with decreased energy, changes in appetite and sleep, feelings of guilt, loss of interest and impairment of concentration. Because of the stigma surrounding mental illness including depression, many people are reluctant to converse about this taboo topic even with their physicians, who are viewed as the safe keepers of secrets associated with medical and mental health.


With depression rates increasing, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) has made strong recommendations for physicians to actively screen patients for depression at regular visits — incorporating depression screening as part of a regular annual checkup.


Did You Know? Depression in the United States Affects over 18 million adults (one in ten) in any given year.


Click on the video spot below to watch a customized WAM Network PSA regarding the importance of depression awareness and talking with your doctor.

The waiting room can be a tool to help trigger conversations when patients visit their physician.